This blog describes my 24-day traverse of the Pyrenees from Atlantic to Mediterranean, July 2011.
The Pyrenean Haute Route is around 800km with 42,000 metres of ascent.

Map of the route | Schedule

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My schedule for the Haute Route is fairly ambitious.

I plan to start on Friday 1st July at about 5.30pm, as soon as I step off the bus at Hendaye.

My return flight from Girona is booked for Monday 25th July, which gives me 23 full days (plus a few hours on the evening of 1st July) to complete the coast to coast.

I'm not sure if this is feasible, but I managed the GR11 in 23 days last year, and I'm hoping the HRP might take about the same time.

Provisional schedule:


Unknown said...

Hi Chris,
great schedule!
I was wondering if you have your gear list put together?

Chris said...

Hi Martin, Thanks! The schedule still needs a bit of work. I plan to take more or less what I took for the GR11.
Kit List
I'll post a more detailed kitlist on the HRP blog sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

When walking the HRP in 2006, I met a chap called Laurent who completed the route in 20 days plus 3 rest days, here's a link:
He was pretty much running and was carrying about 7kg I think.

Good luck and enjoy one of the world's best walks!


Chris said...

Hi Pete - Thanks very much for the link. My current pack weight is around 9kg (sans food and drink). I'd be struggling to get down to 7kg without ditching the tent. But I quite like my tent for some decent shelter at night. I think 23 days should be possible, providing no major injury problems. Looking forward to it!

Chris said...

Hi again Pete. I took a look at Laurent Garenq's blog and schedule last night. Some very long days, however quite a different route to the HRP I've got planned. I see he stayed within France for virtually the entire route and used quite a bit of the GR10.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think Laurent was doing the version, still, good effort! Good luck yourself, you're guaranteed an experience that will stay with you for many years; enjoy it all and stay safe. I'll look forward to following your progress - I reckon you'll catch up with David Saturday week if you're starting Friday!